Sebastian Vaduva

Dr. Sebastian Văduva , MBA - Dean of Griffiths School of Management

Dr.  Vaduva  is  a  successful  Romanian-American  entrepreneur  with  extensive international experience in marketing and sales in U.S. and Romanian companies and is currently serving as the Dean of the Griffiths School of Management at Emanuel University  of  Oradea. 

Complementary  to  his  academic  work,  Dr.  Vaduva  is  the managing  partner  of  Advanced  Solutions,  a  management  and  marketing  consulting firm. 

He  started  his  first  business  when  he  was  14  year  old  in  U.S  food  industry, where he increased the sales with 400% and kept the operational costs with $40 under the industry average. He was also the founder and owner of Better Solution, another U.S. based company offering business-consulting services for American companies.

Dr.  Vaduva  has  considerable  experience  in  non-governmental  organizations  also.

Starting  2000  to  2005  he  served  as  Vice-President  of  Ohio  State  Chamber  of International  Commerce,  which  was  founded  to  promote  trade  between  U.S.  and Eastern Europe. Finally, he was as a Fulbright Scholar between 2004-2005. For the last 6-7 years he delivered dozens of training session to clients in Romania.